Why is it important to let fresh air through your home, even through winter?

By making sure you open the windows at least for some time during the day to let in fresh air in this helps helps in bringing the positive outside energy into the house while allowing the negative stagnant energy to move out.

Combine this task with regular sweeping or vacuuming which counters the effects of static energy.

Some of the other reasons include, getting rid of stale air, avoid mould growth, remove dust, bring in the sunshine, reduce condensation, better concentration and better health.

If your studying or working from home open a window if your feeling lethargic or having trouble concentrating, by letting positive and new energy into your home can clear your head and help you concentrate. Fresh air is rich in oxygen, which increases the level of oxygen circulating in your blood. This also means more oxygen supply to the brain, which facilitates the release of serotonin, a feel-good hormone associated with increased energy levels, happiness, mood stabilization, and feelings of worthiness


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